Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Moving along

Going through the days, I begin to wonder why I can't wait to get through this day and start the next one. I come to realize that each day takes me closer to the ultimate end of my days, which, admittedly, is probably a long way off. However, it raises the question for me of how best to approach each and every day considering the number is finite. If you know anything about me and you can if you read what I write, you know I don't believe they day of our physical death is the end of our existence, for I fully accept the reality of no end to who and what we essentially are.

The fact is, I'm never really going to end. I know this because I have seen it. I don't really blame anyone who disagrees as long as they have not seen the same. If they have, they are deluded, or deceived, or astoundingly foolish. When the divine speaks to and even through you and you have been taken to Heaven itself, it is a little hard to ignore, and so I don't.

Still though, we are here and it is meaningful and we aren't going anywhere anytime soon for the most part. Thus what do we do? Waiting to get through it is no longer an option for me and loathing the days as they go by, taking each one as an assignment to fulfil, from which rest can not be had until it is finished. That's slavery. I am no slave. Thus I recommit my self to fully accepting and embracing the reality I find myself in for every moment I find myself in it. Why not? The divine does the same.

In freedom we go forth to live out all there is to live and do all there is to do.

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