Saturday, September 19, 2009

New places

Relentlessly, at times, stuck in a rut of hard-ass discipline, I find that doing everything it takes to responsibly keep doing better at everything I wish to excel at can get a little boring. In the past, I would have been consumed with something a little like guilt though at doing exactly what it would take to get out of that stagnation and into something like a different level. This was a real problem for some time. I just have not been able to do what it takes to step back and relax when it is time to relax and make room for new growth.

Thankfully, just like everything else that is influenced by the metamorphosis brought on by the Spirit, this too can change. And it has changed. The Master, knowing exactly what the best course of action is in such situations, leads me to a new locations out side of the normal environment. Last night, I spent all my time in a relentless pub crawl, not getting too drunk, but getting as close to the working of the spirit in such conditions as led. And I was led. I loved it and in my love, I let go of the old patterns.

The next day, having nothing to do, but wonder, I did just that and was yet again reminded of the central importance of wonder in the life of one who is undergoing such transformation. Why would we not wonder? G-d him self is in wounder at what he has created and what it is becoming. How can be I be anything less if I allow my eyes to be truly opened? So I do, and in so doing, allow my self to be transported to yet another new place in which I wonder yet again at that divine love that shines in all darkness.

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