Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Did you know we are not, nor is any part of us in the physical sense, permanent? Not even the atoms that make us up appear to have always been in there present state. And naturally all the elements that make us up have been circulating in the universe for quite some time. Additionally, the very form we take now, and the forms of all other organisms for that matter, appear to not be fixed at all on the long scale. Looking at things from the long term and disaggregated from the notion of individuality of any life form separate from the rest, the vast and complex, process of evolution, transformation, reorganization, and metamorphosis that effects all things, living and inanimate, casts all things in the light of not really being singular and essential.

Taking things from the long view, every object is an event. Mountains are geological events. Stars are astronomical events. Humans are biological events. All these events are non-static and connected from one to the next. All are processes. All are passing.

In this light, unless one really takes the punishment and reward model of divinity seriously, which is ridiculous, as it is completely inconsistent with a G-d who claims to be love and demonstrates to, in fact, be so, time and time again, all the reference points of supposed permanence in our existence fall away. From such a perspective, things really don't matter.

Thus, lost as we are in vastness, let us lose our selves more completely in the freedom that comes from such understanding. Let us take as our only guide in all things that which does not change above all else, an this is the divine personality it self. May it shine ever more through us.

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