Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Time of Favor

Death and suffering. Pain and misery. Laughter and joy. Change and transformation. Constant evolution.

I pray that all my suffering is meaningful. My prayers are answered! Be careful what you pray for. it will be answered. I dreamed of forgiveness and found I was not dreaming. I dreamed of suffering and found it would pass. I awake now and see light all around me.

In the final analysis, even the most evil are forgiven. G-d keeps no books. G-d knows what he is doing.

If we know or do not know, it does not matter. Even our ignorance is meaningful. G-d is on the move. Light shines into the deepest darkness. The Master takes on human form and his flesh brakes down the gates of Hell it self. This is always happening.

Look now to all the world around you. It is all a matter of perspective. Change your perspective. Allow it to be transformed to that of the Master. Look and see that all things fallow the divine plan. This plan is painted with dark colors at times, but fear not. The whole is greater than the parts. Much greater. Look and see the light. look and see that Love. Love passes into all things. it expands out in all directions. Fear not I say and be whole!

Times of peace are not forever. Neither or times of suffering. But this is a time of favor! Know, embrace and surrender it. let it be a prayer.

A time for life and love. A time to make useful that which is useless. A time of favor.

Fear not what you see. Look to what is on the horizon and coming fast. The sun is rising.

A time of favor is upon us.


Disha said...

thank you for laying your fingers upon the keys and surendering your mind. this is beauty.

Drusillus said...

Thank you. I try to write what I have been shown as much as possible. This is an example of that.