Friday, October 16, 2009


Even in the valley of total darkness, after the storm passes, pools of mercy remain. Shining into the deepest places, divine love brings redemption. Divine love shine on me.

I must say that it has shined on me quite a lot. And for that I am truly. What I find my self being thankful for more than anything though is the current realization of just how much it is time to move beyond just basking in divine love, but to more and more let that divine love shine through me. Fortunately, I have many people who I truly. However, I find my self more and more wondering how I can love them even more. I find that in my slightly more than empathic state, I am well versed in understanding the pain and suffering they go through. However, the step between knowing and doing remains unmade far more than I am pleased to admit. Thus I suffer. But I do not go down into darkness anymore.

Instead, I look to those pools of mercy and constantly call to all the world, but most especially those who I have been given in the world, to join me as I dive in and lose myself once again.

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