Friday, September 11, 2009


When it comes to doing things, it is a common tendency for many to often plan big, but always think in terms of limitations. Understandably, this is coming out of the human tendency to assume scarcity. This assumption becomes problematic when the possibility that scarcity is not found in all things is taken into account. I say possibility because, as of now, we don't, or, at least, I don't know. However, I assume based on experience that some things have no normal limits as we know them.

Love, not in the biological human sense, but in the cosmological divine sense, is one such category I trust has no limits. Interesting theorizing becomes possible based on this.

What if it is from acceptance of this love that transformation away from the normal scarcity model of human perspective is effected? If such a transformation is possible is open to question. All I know is that I can not deny that such a transformation seams to be befalling me at times. Now, based on this transformed perspective, what if human actions start simply ignoring normal assumptions of limitations and and begin to open new paradigms? The possibility of this seams to depend on normal assumptions of limitations being artificially based on the imposed limits of imagination. If this is so, may our imaginations expand so that the true limits of possibility, if any, will be revealed. If there indeed are none, may we continue to expand ever outward in all directions as a function of our acceptance of such divine love.

May we go out and make useful that which is useless. May the Kingdom come.

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