Saturday, September 26, 2009


In my relentless drive for more and more and greater and greater power and ability, I have come far. Mostly though, I have become more aware of how far I have to go. Is there actually ever a final destination? I think not anymore. But we can always be better. We can always advance. We can always be more. I actually believed this you know. Finally though, my pride was broken. Burning at both ends, I burnt out. I crashed. I got to a level place and could not go higher. This expressed itself in many ways. In the physical arena, I have been accumulating injuries that have caused me to have to slow down. In the mental arena, I have been getting more and more depleted as a result of constant overdrive. Fortunately and thankfully, none of these things is more or less than it must be to remind me of what is important, namely, my true identity and source of power, which is as a child of the divine just as surely as you are. From this source of unshakable power I make my recovery and go back out to embrace being truly human in all things.

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