Friday, March 12, 2010


I was again staying in that place where reason is replaced by determination and determination is assaulted by despair. But despair can not be victorious even in the valley of the shadow of death for one who is actually in the valley of the shadow of life. And thus, by divine power, I was released of the weight that had gathered. The essential self was set free and light shown forth. I walked forth into the light and became one with it.

In divine passion, I saw the divine become real. I saw the light shine on all life. I saw the living water flowing through all things. I saw sacred power brake from all corruption. I saw the divine spark burning in all life. I saw all humanity lost in light. I saw all people found in love. I saw holy fire bringing forth new creation. I saw the sun rising. I saw the redemption of reality progressing.

And I found peace and contentment as I too was lost in light and found in love. I walked out in power and authority and spoke from the depths of eternity and the hights of divinity and said "be free".

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