Sunday, January 17, 2010

Men of violence

It is men of violence, and women of violence for that mater who will take hold of the message of the kingdom and spread it forth in all directions. We reject shame and the selfishness that comes of it. We reject ego and self sufficiency also. We stray from the middle path at every turn because we know that balance is not the answer. Instead, we seek the truth. We explore and embrace reality in all its forms and search for the deepest expression of it in all things.

We have role models, but we always strive to be avatars of our own deepest longings and expressions, for it is in these that the truth of the divine is found. It is the divine that we take hold of and emulate. It is holiness that first sought us out and shown with the light of eternal compassion upon our deepest brokenness, transforming our twistedness into a holy prayer and causing us to pore forth the same divine love.

It is this divine love that motivates and moves us because we can no longer be moved by revenge of craving or brokenness. We have been raised to a new place and can never go back. We see with new eyes and can never look away from the beauty of the divine in all things. We will not rest except in the grace of The Master until all things have been restored to their original holiness.

We have been consecrated as high priests and priestesses, warriors and champions, princes and princesses. We walk proudly, but never looking to our selves. We walk strong, but never in our own strength.

We start from here and expand across the Universe. We can run from one end of reality to the other and not faint. We can sleep on a frozen lake for a thousand years and not freeze. We can bite and hold until we die. But we will never die.

When our current form passes, we will remain on the verge of true immortality. We build no monuments except our songs of worship. We leave no legacy except our true love. We run the race and finish the fight. We are more than survivors. We are kings and queens.

As the light of the divine shines upon us, we are transfigured into our true forms and we too shine with the brilliance of 10,000 suns. The hosts of the heavens array themselves in parade lines on either side as we walk our triumph and beet their shields as the give the resounding battle cry. We command 100,000 legions in service to our Emperor.
The nations would bow before us if they did not see the glory of eternity behind us. The Emperor of reality stands in our presence and we fall as we say our holy holy hollies.




But the sun is not God. It is only a representation, as we are only images of the divine. The light shines in the darkness, but the light is not God. Only God is God.

It is unto this we look and unto this we return. Unto this we pray and unto this we give all adoration. And as the the thunder causes all the cymbals to ring, so we resound with songs of victory.

And as we shine in glory, so the all around us are illuminated.

Divine love lives in us and we are its Prophet.

There is no God, but God and He gave himself away to us.
So we take hold with all the violence we have and fight with all our power, and take our rightful places in the kingdom of divine light.

Darkness and light will become one and all that is broken will be made new and the redemption of all eternity will expand forth until all of time is as it should be.

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